Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Rainy Days

It's raining today.  And as I woke up this morning, I immediately thought - "Ugh, what a crappy morning."  And - guess what?!!?  It was.  Owen was whiny.  Alex was too "busy" to listen.  The school bus was due to arrive.  I was crabby.  And they knew it!

Luckily we made it to the bus stop, just in time.  My two boys hopped on the bus and I took a deep breath.  I headed back home. 

But, the rain cloud followed me in. 

As I started the rest of my day, the foggy gray-ness hung over me.  I tried to shake it.  I tried to ignore it.  I tried to fight it.  But it was still there. 

So I joined it.

I grabbed my pen, my journal, and sat down and wrote.  I let the gray cloud and rain exist. I let it run it course. I allowed it to happen.  My emotions exploded onto the paper and the attached feelings flowed freely.

Little had I known all that was bottled up inside.

Outside, I still hear the rain pitter-pattering on my roof.

Inside, the gray clouds are dissipating and my mood is lifting.  I can even see the sun peaking through the clouds!

How do you deal with your rainy days?


  1. I just thank God that the rain is not SNOW! :)

  2. Excellent post Kim! I read books to my kids or take a long hot bubble bath!
