Thursday, December 1, 2011

No. 53 - Put Yourself Out There

I am continuing to add to my 50 Ways for a Mom to Connect with her Authentic Self. Number 53 is all about sharing yourself with the world!

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In January 2010, in the middle of a "Is this really as good as it gets?!!? life crisis, I decided to start my In Search of Me in Mommy blog. I was trying to find myself.  After being so consumed by motherhood for 5 years, that I no longer really knew who I was.  My reasons for starting a blog was two-fold. First and foremost, I wanted to journal.  Secondly, I had often said "I want to be a writer", so I figured that my blog would force me to practice my writing skills.

What I didn't think too much about initially, was that in choosing to blog, I would be putting myself "out there". It wasn't until I was ready to click "PUBLISH" after writing my first post, did I feel the butterflies and fear of sharing my thoughts with the world.

But, since I had told no one (except my husband) about my blog and that the chances of anyone reading it was slim to none, I swallowed the fear and butterflies and clicked away.

As time passed, I became more and more comfortable sending my thoughts into cyberspace.  Which, admittedly, was pretty easy, since I still had told no one about my blog.  And I began to wonder "what is the purpose of a blog if no one reads it?!!?.  So one night, with some help from a couple glasses of liquid courage, I posted my blog on my facebook page. 

Eek!  That was scary!  I felt so vulnerable.

What if someone didn't like what I wrote?
What would people think?
Who am I to write a blog?
What if no one cares?
A few friends read.  A few friends passed it onto their friends.  And, I even got some positive feedback <insert big grin>. 

And still, I know that some people have not like what I have written and that others may think that I have no business blogging and I certainly am aware that there are many who could care less about my blog. 

But, do you know what?  I honestly don't care anymore.

Why?  It is simple!  What I have gained by putting myself out there is way too valuable!

By putting myself "out there" I have...
connected with people that I never expected to,
learned more myself,
let others know that they are not alone,
found value in myself that I never knew existed,
plus so much more...

And all of that is... priceless!

When have you put yourself "out there"? 
What did you gain?

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