Tuesday, August 9, 2011

No. 25 - Define What Your "Happiness Is..."

In my 50 Ways for a Mom to Connect with her Authentic Self, number 25 is all about HAPPINESS! 
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Do you remember “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown” when the Peanuts gang sang about what Happiness is...?  Why not start your own Happiness is... List?

For me, Happiness is...
walking on the beach.
when my one of my sons reaches out to hold my hand.
moments of silence coupled with realizations.
giggles and full-out belly-aching laughter.
feeling an authentic connection with a new friend.
being a part of my child's Aha moment.
tears and difficult emotions that I know are leading me to the right path.
reading a good book.
building a sandcastle.
believing in the possibilities - even the ones that are fear-filled, and at times may seem impossible.
listening to my sons playing nicely with each other.
unexpected beautiful nature.
weaving words.
believing that I can and that I will.

What's on your Happiness is... List?

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