So, I got back in bed and snuggled in. It was early, I figured I could get a little more shut-eye.
TAP, TAP, TAP. The tapping started again.
I slowly got out of bed and walk toward the door and our 90 pound chocolate lab, Mocha, joined me. As soon as we could see the door, we saw a robin, fly directly into the glass. Mocha immediately charged toward the door, and barked at the bird. The bird took off, in a panic.
I figured that the bird was scared off and that was the end of that. I also figured that more sleep was not going to happen, so I got up and started my day.

So, I googled it. (I guess it's not that bizarre.)
And I found out that the reflection of the glass, often tricks a bird into believing another robin is invading it's space. So the bird tries to fight off the other robin. There were a couple of suggestions about how to get the bird to stop - one was to close the curtains. So I did. I waited a minute or two, and hear no more tapping. Problem solved.
Or so I thought...
This 6:00 am! TAP, TAP, TAP.
The bird was back (even though the blind were closed)! DRAT! My half-asleep, half-awake self, remembered another google tip and shuffled to the computer, to printed out a picture of a big hawk. I taped it on the window. A picture of a predator, would certainly scared off the wee, little robin.
And, it was quiet. YEAH! So I dozed back off to sleep.
I printed off a BIGGER hawk - this time with it's wings spread. And, hung it on the outside of the window.
Quiet. It worked!!!!! But, at this point, I was clearly awake for the day. Again, sleeping-in had eluded me.
Two hours later, I was enjoying a bath, while my boys and husband were running errands. Ahhh...almost as good as extra sleep, RIGHT? And then I heard it...
Damn! That is one Crazy Robin!
I googled it again, but the only solutions I found I had already tried. I was at a loss.
A few hours later, I noticed that the bird was gone and the tapping had ended. And, now it is well into the evening and the robin has not returned.
But, I am guessing that tomorrow morning, I might be awaken to another round of "Taps"
We shall see...