Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day 1 - My year long promise to myself

Happy New Year!

In the past few weeks, thanks to Debbie Phillips and Women on Fire and Coach Joelle, I have...
  • reviewed, celebrated and reflected upon 2011 - It was a year filled with so much...many successes and a few disappointments that haunt me.
  • created big goals - To become healthier, to share my gifts, and make good use of my time.
  • made manageable action steps to achieve those goalsTo be fast food free in 2012 and to increase my income, for example, and
  • set a theme for 2012 - The year of Valuing Self: my Body, my Gifts, my Time.

Inspired by Jamie Eslinger's The Promise 365 I am starting my own year-long promise to myself. 

I promise to spend my year treating my Body, my Gifts, and my Time as valuable and precious.

To support this, during this year I will:
  • Be fast food free.
  • Read at least one book a month and incorporate something that I learned from each book into my life.
  • Monetize some of my gifts and talents so that I am joyfully and financially adding income for my family.
  • Purposely scheduling my time, so that I am accomplishing my goals, spending quality time with my boys, and nurturing my relationship with my husband.
  • Set a mini-theme each month (that supports my bigger theme) to explore topic to greater depths.
  • And write about and reflect upon my experiences.
I am sure that as the year plays out, what I do to support this promise will evolve and grow.  I am sure that there will be times that I will want to throw in the towel and say F-it.  I am sure that I will have moments of amazing success.  And I am sure that I will also experience disappointments and feelings of failure.

But what I promise, is that regardless, I will persist...
all 366 days (damn, why did I choose a leap year?!!) !

Wish me luck - or better yet, join me with your own promise to yourself!

p.s.  Thankfully, I am not going at this alone.  I have joined Jamie Eslinger's You Can Do Anything Coaching Group for support.  There is still time to join me - her coaching group starts on January 16!

p.s.s. I should let you know, that I am only telling you about Jamie, because, after seeing what Jamie did during her year-long promise, I think her coaching group it is going to be amazing!...I am not getting paid, or getting any type of kick-back for sharing her information with you.


  1. Wow Kim! I'm so excited for you and what a totally gorgeous blog you created! I'm impressed! I'm joining you in Jamie's coaching group and very excited to embark on this journey with you. <3 Robyn

  2. Thank you Robyn! I am looking forward getting to know you in Jamie's group! :)
