Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 8 - "F-it" is not an option

I am a professional "F-it" girl.  I can say "F-it" to anything!

"F-it, I'll eat healthy tomorrow."
"F-it, going to the gym can wait."
"F-it, I deserve to have that."
"F-it, it's too much work."
"F-it, life is short."
"F-it, no one cares anyway."
"F-it, I don't feel like doing it."
"F-it, I've had a bad day."

You get the picture.

I realized on Friday night, when I SO wanted to say, "F-it, I am having a glass of wine - it's Friday night for God's sake!" that "F-it" is my go-to response when life gets a hard.  And, "F-it" is not serving me well...

"F-it" is instant gratification.
"F-it" is a way to not face a fear.
"F-it" gets in the way of my progress.
"F-it" is a defense mechanism.
Basically, "F-it" is no good!

So I am adopting a new motto..."F-it is NOT an option."

p.s.  Thank You, K for helping to make it successfully through my Friday night wine woes.


  1. Ahhhh, I know that sentiment oh too well! I am working on making some major lifestyle changes this year as well. I have been trying, but have also failed. This year I am using Cathy Zielske's Move More Eat Well 2012 class at Big Picture Scrapbooking to help provide a structure for motivation. I am also reading the Beck diet book (great book on cognitive behavioral aspects related to weight loss). Today was a bad day for me...too much anxiety...but I am trying to accept that there will be roadblocks and bad days and every day/hour/minute is an opportunity to make a new and different choice.

  2. Debbie...

    Glad to know that I am not alone! I'll have to check out the move more eat well class...sounds interesting!

    I know how anxiety can create roadblocks...but I love your attitude about "every day/hour/minte is an opportunity to make a new and different choice."

    :) Kim
