Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 7 - Re-Gifting: Doodle-art.

Today, is the first in my "Re-Gifting" series that supports the VALUING my GIFTS part of my year long promise to myself.

One aspect of keeping this portion of my promise, is that I need to first identify and acknowledge (dang, sometimes, that is hard to do) my gifts, strengths and talents and then (Eek...this is the part that is SCARY!) share with others.

In the word of artist, Roy Henry Vickers,

"We are all created equal with special gifts and if we reach out to each other in sharing these gifts, we all become richer."
It sound a bit like re-gifting to me...But better!

So today I re-gift to you a recent discovery and something that I never thought was a talent of mine (thank you Melissa McClain)...

My gift of doodling (dare I say Art?!!?)

I call this one
"Bird, meet Worm"

What are your gifts?
I double-dog-dare you to re-gift one!


  1. Hi Kim,

    It is difficult to really acknowledge our gifts sometimes -- even to ourselves. As a health care journalist, I suppose one of my gifts involves the ability to take highly technical, complex medical information and write about it in a way that engages and imparts new knowledge to the typical layperson seeking health care information. Writing, in general of course, is one of my gifts -- the ability to convey my thoughts succinctly and articulately for the news and magazine publications that hire me to write for them.

    I suppose my athletic strengths could qualify as a gift. I think, though, that perhaps my most valuable talent or gift involves mentoring. I love to mentor others and help them achieve their dreams and full potential. I recently began mentoring a new writer -- he writes a parenting blog on the wordpress platform -- and he has gotten rave reviews right from the start, already one of the highest ranking dad writers on, and has a chance for a regular column with a sports journal.

    Do I really attribute these gifts to me? No. I can't do anything worth talking about without God. He provides me with the tools, inspiration, and ability to do the things I do. Without Him, I can't help anyone.

    Anything good I do on this earth, I attribute directly and wholly to Him. Anything bad I do, well, that's just lil ole me.


  2. Samantha-

    Wow! What wonderful God-given gifts you share with the world! Thank you!

    :) Kim
