Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 33 - January's WooHooies and PaaTooies

Since February has started, I figured it would be a good time to assess the first month of the year.  There have been some amazing WooHooies that I need to celebrate!  And, unfortunately, there have been some not so great PaaTooies that are hard to face. 

So let's start with the PaaTooies and get those out of the way.

PaaTooie for...
  • my eating habits the last half of the month.  Even though I have not eaten any fast food, my diet has not been as healthy as I would like.
  • not incorporating one idea from the book that I read (Women, Food, and God) into my life.  I read that book and loved it and fully intended pick one concept and fitting it into my days...but, it didn't happen.
  • imbibing a few more times than I had planned.  After 20 days of following my alcohol-free plan, I consciously decided to break my promise.  I figured I had done so good that it was OK to have a beer.  And then, another day I decided it would be, well, OK to have a glass of wine.  And, well...Admittedly, at the last 5 days of the month were not good ones with regard to wine.  So in the end, I was alcohol-free 24 days out of the 30 days I had promised.  That's 80% successful.  PaaTooie to the other 20%.

And now, time for the fun...

WooHooies for...
  • exercising at least three times a week...and, BONUS, most weeks I did more!  And, a big WooHooies for getting back together with my personal trainer!  It was a long, 6 month break up, and I thought of her often...and now, finally, she's back!  And, she's kicking my butt!
  • picking and committing to a 5k...Saturday, April 14.  Now, I have my deadline and running motivation.
  • starting to illustrate my Moments To Savor children's book.  I have a rough drawings of four pages.
  • finding a calendar program that works.  Google calendar and my iPhone are keeping track of my comings and goings and, except for one little oops, all is going well.
  • being fast food free all month long!
  • writing daily here.  I almost missed a day.  There I was, dozing off to sleep in my warm and comfy bed when the thought "CRAP!  I didn't blog today!" yanked me out of my warm cocoon.  I wiped the almost-sleep from my eyes and shuffled to my laptop.  I made the post, just in time!
Overall...I am mostly feeling pretty good about January.  There are some things that I wish I would have done differently, but since I can't do anything to change the past...Onward!

Welcome February 2012!  I am ready!

What are your WooHooies and PaaTooies for January?

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