Friday, February 17, 2012

Day 48 - Life is curly!

I just finished reading the book Simply Shine: Stories That Stirred The Fire by Jill Blashack Strahan and I am truly inspired!

Jill Blashack Strahan is the founder of Tastefully Simple - a multimillion dollar business that she built from the ground up.  And while I her business talents are amazing, I am inspired, reassured and galvanized by her life's stories and the the lessons that she shared.

There are SO many nuggets of goodness in this book...too many to share here.  But, there is one that I can't keep to myself!

In a chapter entitled We Never Fail, Jill says:

"Life is not a straight line.  It's really quite curly.  We rarely know exactly how we're going to get where we're going or what to expect when we get there.  We just dive in and do it.  If it doesn't work, we learn from it."

 As a person who likes to know where I am going and what to expect and because I would love a success guarantee, the concept of life being curly is scary, yet incredibly powerful!  It is shifting my thoughts.  It is shifting my perspective.  It is giving me breathing room to let life happen!

And that is a great lesson!

What lesson have you learned recently?

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